Jungbub Talk

Jungbub-4119. The Essence of Water, the Function of Acupuncture (2/2)

(Continuing from episode 1)

Q. I have read a story in a book of an Australian aboriginal, which talks about the method they use when receiving heavenly messages. When they do not know what they should do, as Seuseungnim said, they drink a cup of water before going to bed and pray to God to inspire them. After waking up, if they take another sip of water, it is said that their dreams will not disappear but will be remained in them forever like a movie.

So I have experimented this method and was surprised to feel the same effect. When I told some spiritually more susceptible people to try this, they were fascinated with this effect. So, I wonder what logic is behind this phenomenon.

A. Do you see this water here?
Let me explain to you what this substance can do.

Water cleanses everything.

Water is a substance to cleanse everything. We just know that water is something to drink. If you pour water in here and drink it, it cleanses our cells. It cleanses the pores of our skins. Water cleanses everything! This is water. It cleanses out every murky thing. That is the work of water.

Cleanse your body if you want to receive spiritual messages

If you want to let your spirit receive messages clearly while sleeping, will it be better to cleanse your body or let it stay dirty? This is the principle.

Once you are awake in the morning with all the bitter substances which your body have all sweated out during the night, would you be able to meditate better with cleansed mouth and body or without it?

Water Therapy: if you have difficulties and are murky in energy, you have to drink water frequently.

Water is the concentrate of heavenly energy. It cleanses out everything and anything. If water is poured down on mountains, it cleanses out the dirty energies of them. If it is poured down on the field, it cleanses out the dirty energies of the field. The reason it circulates between heaven and earth with its own ability of self-purification is to cleanse out murky energies frequently.

Water plays the role to clean. We have just said “drink water” or “use water” but we haven’t actually known the principle of water. It cleanses out everything. This is water. This is the work of water.

All living creatures that are materials must cleanse themselves with water all the time, keep out of murkiness. If you have difficulties and are murky in energy, you have to drink water frequently even if you eat less. Once you cleanse out your murky energies, your appetite will grow back and every condition will be in recovery. This is the “water therapy”.

In cleansing your spirit, cleansing your body comes first so that you can perceive and read spiritual frequencies delicately.

If you use water wisely, there is nothing you can not do in the world. In cleansing your spirit, cleansing your body comes first so that you can perceive and read spiritual frequencies delicately. Some trainees practice such things but this is actually what our forebears did. There are some trainees who don’t know deeply about this and try to practice it. However, this is what our people, the “Hongikingan” should reorganize such knowledge of how to use water wisely.

Find the right ways to use our nature primarily with the Law of Grand Nature.

When we become “Hongikingan”, we must find the right ways to use our nature primarily with the Law of Grand Nature. How on earth can we find new high-technology whilst we are even incapable to use the benefits our Nature is giving us already? There is nothing we can not do if we make a good use of Nature. There is only a partial need of high-tech when something is out of order.

Everything including us is connected with the Nature. We can heal any kinds of diseases with only plants. By using all kinds of soils, we can also control our bodies using substances in the soils too. They have substances like metals and such, everything is in it.

An example of applying the Law of Grand Nature: Acupuncture

We used to apply acupuncture on ourselves in the old days. We can easily think that we “stick” the needle instead of we “apply” the needle. However, the correct term is to “apply”. (In Korean, “Apply” can also mean “lay” or “put” on something.) What acupuncture does is when this mineral substance is applied between these disconnected energies, it connects and enables our energy flow. This disconnected energy is what disturbs our bodies. Since there is no smooth energy flow inside our bodies, our bodies begin to have difficulties. By applying the mineral substance on our bodies, the work of acupuncture is enabling the energy flow by connecting the energy.

How we applied acupuncture while our technology was not developed to forge the sharp tips of needles

What is the acupuncture? It is a sharp-ended shape of mineral substance. When we were incapable to deal with mineral substance, how did we use it back then? It hasn’t been very long in our history since we have started to use this sharp acupuncture. Minerals had been discovered first, then had processed into an iron so that it can be sharpened to pierce something. In other words, the history of dealing with mineral substance hasn’t been very long. Then, haven’t we used this mineral substance before? Yes, we have used them.

At that time, we didn’t stick with it, we “applied” on to our flesh. We “applied” the acupuncture in the beginning which why we don’t call it “we stick the acupuncture.”

By using all materials given righteously, we are no longer in difficulties anymore. Water is the most worthy treasure for us.

There is the principle in the Law of Grand Nature, which is by using all materials given righteously, we are no longer in difficulties anymore. Therefore, we have to use water wisely. Water is the most worthy treasure for us. The people who can utilize water wisely will be the leaders of humanity. We have to know the fundamental principle of water. Water is what cleanses everything. (clapping)

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* This article is copyrighted by JUNGBUBSIDAE.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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