Jungbub Talk

Jungbub-4118. The Correct Way of Meditation and the Importance of Sleep (1/2)

Q. I try to meditate at night as my study, and recently, I cannot fall in sleep very well at night. So I get tired and sleepy during the day, but I try to keep myself awake and study. There are times I fall asleep while meditating, but other times I can’t fall asleep until the next morning. Is it because I’m missing something in my study?

A. It is easy to make a mistake that you consider sitting still like this as your study.

You should sleep tight to get back to your daily routine and work hard again.

Concentrate on your daily life events during the day, take a little time to look back on your day in the evening, and then have a sound sleep. You should sleep tight to get back to your daily routine and work hard again.

They are the unemployed people who need to stay up all night and study. They do not have people to associate with in the daytime and are excluded from the society. But you are not yet excluded from the society, are you? Why would there be a need for a man with a social life to stay up all night and study?

You should associate with people with a clear mind during the day, and get some good sleep at night. (I can’t sleep at night) The reason you can’t sleep at night is that you did not work hard during the day. You had to catch up on your sleep instead, during the day. You slept during the daytime because you had been restless the day before.

At night, sit for a short meditation, reflect on yourself. Then the Grand Nature starts working on you while you are in sleep.

In the daytime, you should do your work hard and associate with your friends and colleagues actively. At night, sit for a short meditation, reflect on yourself and look back on your days to find if you made any mistakes; whether you made an argument or a disagreement with the people today, or hurt others’ feelings by insisting your opinions to others. After your self-examination is done, you can sit calmly and say to Grand Nature, or ask Seuseungnim for a guide if there is any lack in your learning.

Grand Nature will help you eliminate any murky energies and toxins out of your body all during your sleep.

Then as your strain is relieved, a fatigue descends on you and you can peacefully fall asleep. Then the Grand Nature starts working on you while you are in sleep. It will sweep away any impure energies within you, send away any undesirable spirits of your ancestors, and also, the Grand Nature will help you eliminate any murky energies and toxins out of your body all during your sleep. So you’d better sleep at night. Some people do not sleep at night and say to me, “I don’t dream much these days.” (laughing) You can dream when you are asleep!

Let me tell you why sleeping is so important to us. During your sleep, the Grand Nature erases all the murky energies you had received and every unnecessary information you took in, during the day. It erases unnecessary information or memories and pushes out impure energies from your body.

A very bitter taste in your mouth when you wake up in the morning is the result of the impure energies pushed out from your body.

You will find a very bitter taste in your mouth when you wake up in the morning. It is the result of the impure energies pushed out from your body. This is why you feel refreshed after rinsing your mouth. The same reason why you feel fully awake after taking a shower in the morning. If you sweep your face with your finger after sleep, you would taste something very bitter from your excreted sweat. There are many things Grand Nature does for you. When you are awake from a sound sleep, your murky and toxic energies are all pushed out overnight by the work of Grand Nature.

Depending on how you end your day with certain thoughts, you can either cleanse your soul and body or be even more contaminated overnight.

Depending on how you end your day with certain thoughts, you can either cleanse your soul and body overnight or be even more contaminated. For example, if you fall asleep worrying about getting a rental house for yourself, the impure energy will be trapped in you, not going anywhere.

However, if you reflect on yourself, entrust the Grand Nature to handle the rest and go to sleep, it will protect you from any dangers and misfortune. A thief planning to break into your house will even change his mind by the action of Grand Nature. For you are living right, it prevents you from having a future accident coming towards you. Also, it sends away the people you have chances to be entangled with negatively. Spirits and gods do various things for us. We easily assume that only humans live in this world, but that is not true.

In mornings and evenings, take a short moment, about 15 or 20 minutes, to reflect on yourself so that you can try to mend your errors the next day.

Mistaken about my lessons, some might think that they should study at night. But it is for pursuing your learning in a specific circumstance. In general case, people learn from their social activities and environment during the daytime. In mornings and evenings, take a short moment, about 15 or 20 minutes, to reflect on yourself so that you can try to mend your errors the next day. After organizing your thoughts, you can meditate for about 10 minutes to fresh your mind. When you are done, you can send your gratitude to Heaven, “Thank you, father.” or “Thank you, Seuseungnim.” and go to bed. Lie down with the Jungbub lectures turned on beside you, you can fall asleep easily. You’d feel refreshed in the next morning.

Grand Nature is always giving what you need, as long as you study hard from the environment given to you.

Many have made the wrong assumption about sitting still and meditating at night as a way of studying. But have you thought of this practice as a way to gain something out of it? It is a behavior showing that you want to get something. Don’t you need to worry because the Grand Nature is always giving what you need, as long as you study hard from the environment given to you during the day, reflect on yourself in the evenings, and make sure you have a good sleep. That is the true way of studying.

When you slack off on studying with no self-reflection, …

If you have been slacking off on studying with no self-reflection, you would be punished by Heaven. You will get a blow and will be trapped in a situation as an exile. An exile to a situation where you can never escape from: you may either be swindled and have debts to pay off. This exile is for at least 3 years. Then nobody would say a thing to you however long sit for all night because you’d have no one to meet during the daytime.

You can sleep all day and wake up at night and sit still to reflect on yourself, over quiet night. That’s being sent to exile for 3 years. If you sleep like a log with a loud snore in the night, a guardian spirit of the mountain would come and kick your head for slacking off on your study! You’d feel extremely dizzy in the next morning.

How to study when you’re sent to exile

If you spend your daytime productively like picking up trashes or cleaning up your surrounding, and before you go to bed, you can inform the guardian spirit of the mountain to wake you up at 3 am, in case you sleep in. When you are in sleep, the spirit will wake you up at five to three, for sure. If there is no one to wake you up, it will even use a mouse to get in and bite your toe to wake you up. Spirits can even use animals to control humans. Mysterious things happen to you by Grand Nature. If you were to wake up at 3 am, precisely, someone or something will be there to wake you up at 3.

That is the role of spirits and gods. If you understand how to deal with them correctly, they are the very close beings to the humans. When you are against them, they become your enemies. If you keep a distance from them, they become irrelevant to you. This is the relationship between humans and gods.

Why would you sit all night when you are not exiled?

So you should know the way of studying correctly. Why would you sit all night when you are not exiled? How can you have a clear mind to meet people during the day, if you didn’t sleep the day before? You can learn properly from what you see and hear when it is absorbed with your clear mind. If you are woozy from a lack of sleep, you will miss every chance of learning from your environment provided to you. Do you understand what I’m saying?

(To be continued on episode 2)

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* This article is copyrighted by JUNGBUBSIDAE.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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