10 Questions for setting intentions

10 Questions for setting intentions

It’s time to set our intention for the new year. I’m sharing my 10 questions for setting intentions. Please feel free to copy, edit or share as you need.

10 Questions for setting intentions

How do you want to grow/change/feel in each area at the end of this year?

1. How is my physical health?

2. How is my financial situation?

3. How are my relationships with others?

4. What do I focus on the most this year?

5. What would be the biggest challenge this year? Why do I think so?

6. Is there something that I need to be cautious about to avoid regret?

7. What would be the most meaningful moment this year? Why is it?

8. What would be the most important accomplishment/growth this year?

9. Who is my role model or mentor this year?

10. What are my contributions to others/community/people?

How to apply those questions for setting intentions

Some of the questions are tricky.  Without experiencing the new year, how can I answer the questions about my future challenges or something that I could’ve done differently, right? Yet, when I simulate the new year and plan for it, I get some sense and start to form the answers. Let me show you what I do.

Q5. The most challenging moment

Once I decide what to focus on this year, I brainstorm and predict the potential challenges I would face. It’s not a fun exercise yet as I imagine those possible challenging situations, I prepare for them. Then, I can plan and make a strategy on how I will overcome them. 

Q6. Cautions to avoid regret / Anything that I could’ve done differently

Humans don’t change easily. We usually repeat the same mistake over and over. When I answer to this question, I assume that it’s very likely that I will repeat my old mistakes and make my life harder. When it happens, it usually happens at the most unexpected moment. Then, how can I prevent it or wisely take care of it once it happens?

Especially this question helps me look into the core issues in my repeating patterns. It’s a profound question.

Q9. My role model or mentor

If I can’t pick a specific person, I just describe the person’s character or trait. It’s like describing what kind of mentor I am looking for this year.

Take Your Time

Don’t try to finish this exercise within 30 minutes or so. Please have enough time to answer each question. When answers come up in your mind, write them down. Come back later and read them again. If you find anything you want to add or change, please do so.

I spend the whole month of January to set intentions for the new year. It’s worth my time.

Good luck for setting your intentions. If you need any help, please contact me.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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