Dong-ahn-guh Day 40 – Madness of the End of the Year


My Jungbub Journal – Fortieth Day of Dong-ahn-guh (winter meditation retreat)


My monthly report


I sent the newsletter on the last day of December. I didn’t promote the subscription but naturally, already 28 people are subscribing and it’s growing. The blog is helping my clients and people who run the small businesses.

Writing blog is my main goal in 2019. This year, I witnessed the possibility of blogging. Next year, it will change the story of my business. Especially, this year’s topic is Kauai SEO & Digital Marketing Guide series. It will impact the scene of Kauai’s businesses.


Madness of the end of the year


We’ve lived here for three years. We found out that the end of the year is the worst time to live here. The madness of the end of the year changes the town like a battlefield.

The firework. Yet, it’s not an ordinary firework. We feel like we’re sitting in the middle of a battlefield.

From our lanai, we can see the long lines of flames at the foothill of the mountain. They sound like firing machine guns. All different kinds of firecrackers make different sounds and different flames. Grenades, missiles, cannons. Every 10 minutes, a bomb explodes and the whole town shakes, including our home.

All animals including Dahee shakes because of fear. They put bellies on the ground at the corner of houses and cannot lift up their heads.

Sounds and shaking are bearable. The gas and smell kill us. Most Hawaiian houses have Jalousie windows. Ours too. It cannot block the smoke. The white and yellow smoke came into our bedroom. Mary and I had to put wet towels on our faces to breathe. We saved our words because talking made the throats hurt.

After midnight, the sounds of screaming and screeching tires spread through the night air over the town. They sound like mad riots. They seemed to be possessed by the spirits of their ancestors.

My wife and I promised to travel out of town at the end of next year.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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