Jungbub Talk

Jungbub-6346. The Importance of Words (1/2)

Q. As we live on, we find some who choose to speak out their opinions actively, and others who try to restrain themselves from speaking out. It seems that we find it difficult to speak moderately in appropriate place and time. So please give us lessons on this matter. Thank you.

A. You are allowed to say whatever you would like to say. This is not something that can be told to do or not to do, this is your free will.

Today is the time we take responsibility of what we have spoken out.

However, today is the time we take responsibility of what we have spoken out. When the quality of energy in our spoken words was weak, it didn’t need to be taken seriously, however, the quality of energy in today’s spoken word has grown big that we cannot avoid taking responsibilities on what we have said. This is a terrifying thing.

So, you can either choose to restrain yourself to speak or to freely speak out your opinion, but the consequence is all on you. The energy of your thoughtless spoken words will return to you and make your life even more difficult. Inappropriate spoken words will give you hard time, while appropriate words will enrich your life, offering you a higher position in society.

The quality of your words come from the quality of your energy.

However, speaking properly is not something that can be done at will. It comes from your quality of energy. If you are ignorant, ignorant words will come out from you. Low quality of words from the low quality of energy yourself, high from high quality, full quality of words from the full quality of energy, yourself. This is the reason why we should fulfill ourselves.

Our spoken words are correlated with our lives.

If you haven’t fulfilled yourself, your words and behaviors will come out just as unfulfilled as you are. It will be no different from yourself. Inappropriate words will humiliate yourself. You need to be aware of what you speak out. If you want to avoid disadvantages, you should not talk. However, if you avoid talking when you should, it will also give you a disadvantage. It is proper that you speak out when you have to, otherwise, nothing can benefit you in return. With this importance of words, for us as Hongikingans, our spoken words are correlated with our lives.

How to discern when to speak and when to listen

When a person comes to relate with you, should you listen or speak out? There are the things we have to discern correctly for there are places where you should speak out or listen. To distinguish these, you should see whether you are the upper hand or the lower hand.

The lower hand should listen, and the upper hand should speak. What will happen when the lower hand speak out? Disadvantages will come accordingly. By contrast, the upper hand should always speak to help others. This is how the upper hand received good opportunities in life. The upper hand should live for the lower hand. The principle of this is that the upper hand should give out words for the lower hand to enhance the lower hand’s quality of energy. Giving money is not a help. It’s your good quality of spoken words that help the lower hand.

It is my words that can give power or poison to others. Our words are the most important.

To benefit others, we should give them the words that they need, giving money doesn’t benefit others. Giving materials is of no benefit, but a word is. It is my words that can give power or poison to others. These are something we should be working at as Hongikingans. There is nothing as important as words in the world. Our words are the most important.

No matter how smart you are, or what you are capable of, your ability comes out through your words. So you don’t need to try so hard to be acknowledged by others, for your spoken words are already telling what you’ve got.

When to close the mouth; when to speak; when to share your story

If something is not going well due to your words, just close your mouth. You can start talking when your words amuse and benefit others. When your words are neither positive nor negative to listeners, just share your stories with each other. Sharing is not just one side talking, it’s both side talking. Then, no one will leave or dislike you.

The more you try to teach someone without permission, the fewer people you will have around you.

Many of you probably have experienced this over past three years. When I told you to share your learning in JB club (Jungbub study group), everyone started teaching others and wanted to become a leader. So what happened? The people started leaving as time goes by. But, here in Changwon, they tried to respect each other and share their stories. There were some who left when a few started teaching. But then one day, some younger people proposed ideas to fix this and everyone started to share their own opinion with one another. As the result, the members expanded. Everyone is willing to come to a place to share.

No one likes being led in a way that they do not want to. The more you try to teach someone without permission, the fewer people you will have around you. Look today’s young generation leaving their parents. This is the principle they are all searching for.

The principle of Parenting Conversation

I have clearly taught you this principle, the law of Grand Nature. Until a child is seven, parents can lead whichever way they want. However, a child between 7 to 14, parents should discuss 30% with their child to decide things along the path. The rest 70% is up to parents. However, during child is 14 to 21, parents must discuss 70% with their child. This is the law of Grand Nature, how it is operated with no chance of error. If you exceed this boundary of parenting, both child and parents get to suffer. Therefore, until a child is 21, parents must discuss 70% with their child and 30% on parents’ will. This strengthens the bonds between parents and child.

At child age over 21, discuss 100%. Your child has now become an adult. They have fulfilled their basic knowledge and become adults. Parents must respect their child at this point. Otherwise, the child will turn their back on parents who are unwilling to show respect to them. A family living in a house together doesn’t mean it ha as strong family bond. Because their life belongs there, they stick together with no choice. As much as parents are disrespectful to their child, you will see a child leaving eventually. The child will leave for a better environment that fits them. This is why a single-person household becomes a trend in society.

People are splitting away into a single-person household because there is no showing of respect.

Why are our people in the nation splitting away into a single-person household? Because there is no showing of respect. Even between husband and wife, there is no respect. Some just yell at people when things don’t go at their will. Others try to lead people in their ways, try to teach people thinking that they are smarter than the others. While we should be benefitting each other, people speak out their own opinions and try to make others listen to them. It is fair to see them leaving. Why? Because they also need to live their own life. This is very natural, coming from our subconscious judgment.

Respect every single person because we are living in the society built from their efforts.

In Hucheonsidae, things are beginning to operate under the law of Grand Nature. We should not go against the stream of this era. Respect every single person. If people don’t respect each other, the society will make enemies. How far should our respect reach out? Respect even your hired house cleaner and maid! Respect. This is different from being servile. We shouldn’t be servile. Respect others. We should also respect street vendors selling meat or fish. Why? Because we are living in the society built from their efforts.

When you respect others, your life will be better, and when you respect others, your life will blossom.

All citizens tried hard in their places, and as the result, you, our nation, and the world community are here today. We should respect them. If we don’t study this and live unknowingly, no better way of living can ever exist. When you respect others, your life will be better, and when you respect others, your life will blossom.

It is their knowledge that they have fulfilled under their own environment which makes them intellectuals.

For 5,000 years, our ancestors had to shut their mouth, exist as if they didn’t, withstand being servile. This is the 5,000 years history of our ancestors. This history made our nation today, built our nation strong, raised and educated Hongikingans, the descendants of today, this high within only a few decades. The society that anybody is an intellectual now.

The intellectuals aren’t the only ones who have graduated from Harvard University. There are intellectuals from Harvard University and there are also intellectuals who sell sweet potatoes. The merchants, street vendors, old ladies can all be intellectuals. It’s not about their education background that makes them intellectuals. It is their knowledge that they have fulfilled under their own environment which makes them intellectuals.

(To be continued on episode 2)

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* This article is copyrighted by JUNGBUBSIDAE.

Aloha, My name is Shawn S Lee. I’m a life coach, a meditation teacher, and a Jungbub student. Please feel free to read my blog. If you like to receive my newsletter -just about once a month-, leave your name and email.

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